
Tee Totalers Golf Championship

Membership Fees:

There is a $150 membership fee to join the Tee Totalers Golf Society. For your money you will receive an official NCGA handicap, entry into the Championship, Stableford Scorecards for every round, points tracked n the Championship Score Board. Payment must be made by Round 2 in February.

With about 80 opportunities to win prize money and over $10,000 in prize money handed out over the year, The Tee Totalers Golf Society offers by far the largest prize money of all the golf societies in the Bay Area so look the $150 membership as an investment not a fee!

Non members can still play and will be eligible for the daily prize money but they will not have scorecards made nor will their points be tracked.

Number of Rounds:

12 Rounds will be played in throughout the season with your top 8 scores counting.

This will be an annual golf championship played over 12 weekends throughout the year. Each round will be played on a different golf course the dates of which will be determined later.

E-mail us at teetotalers@gmail.com with any questions or to register.